Friday, March 2, 2007

Pecs 1

On Tuesday, I went with Agi to Pecs where she was giving a presentation about health care in the European union. Pecs is in southern Hungary and has been selected as a "world heritage" site for one of the upcoming years. It's know for having the most intact Turkish structures in Hungary (most were demolished after the Turks left).
A view of the town:
And a picture of the "mosque church" the dome and front part of which were a mosque, and the catholics added a dark, unpleasant square part to the back. Inside, the domed area is beautiful, with lovely multicolored stained glass and a lot of light let in by the dome. Some of the original fresco of the Koran can be seen in areas where the plaster has come off or been taken of. It is in the main / largest square in town:
Another smaller square with a sculpture, and the quaint city streets radiating from it:
The remains of the roman bath. Interesting to think people sat on the benches 2000 years ago:

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